Draft night; an absolute minefield of statistics, brinkmanship, psychology and sheer panic. 2 hours seem to fly by in a…
rugby union

FRG’s 2018/19 Rugby Predictor Games Overview
Here at Fantasy Rugby Geek, when all is said and done, we’re just massive Rugby fans and whether we are…

Fantasy Rugby Geek’s 2018 Gallagher Premiership Stash Watch
Here at Fantasy Rugby Geek, we. love. stash. We know we’re not the only ones, and we’re in good company…

Fantasy Rugby Geek Picks – Super Rugby Final
The last overview of our fantasy rugby tips for Super Rugby this year, recommending the players expected to go well…

Fantasy Rugby value picks for The Rugby Magazine’s Gallagher Premiership 2018/19 Fantasy Game
This week we help you with your building of your squad in the new Fantasy Game courtesy of The Rugby…

Gallagher Premiership 2018/19 Fantasy Rugby Games Overview – Fantasy Rugby Draft
The second in a series of game overviews to give you the ins and outs of the available games in…

Fantasy Rugby Geek Picks – Super Rugby Semi-Finals
A quick overview of our fantasy rugby tips and recommendations of the players expected to go well as we reach…

Gallagher Premiership 2018/19 Fantasy Rugby Games Overview – The Rugby Magazine
The first of a series of game overviews to give you the ins and outs of the available games in…

Fantasy Rugby Geek Picks – Super Rugby Play-offs
A quick overview of our fantasy rugby tips and recommendations of the players expected to go well as we reach…

How to win the #1 ranked Fantasy Rugby Draft Super Rugby league in the world
Last weekend saw the climax of the Fantasy Rugby Draft Super Rugby season take place, with the Finals of all…